Beauty is What your thinking about ? - Oye


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Friday 22 November 2019

Beauty is What your thinking about ?

To look beautiful is what every girl craves for. But just having beautiful looks is enough? What is Beauty all about?
As the saying goes "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder", we are all angels in those eyes which appreciates & love us. However, what are we in those pair of eyes which doesn't have love or appreciation towards us? Or are we considering the outer looks only? What about our true inner self? Is that beautiful as well???
The current world indeed revolves around beauty. We often go by looks but not the inner soul. I believe, an inner soul with positive thoughts looks much more beautiful spreading positivity to the surroundings.
While it is important to concentrate on maintaining our looks and attire, it is equally important to mould ourselves towards making our inner self beautiful too.
Like those small home remedies which we follow to change ourselves externally has a positive impact on our looks, same way some small tips like, being positive, having a smile on our face, talking positive and spreading positivity to the people around, helps us in beautifying our soul too.
Cleansing our skin in a timely manner changes the skin tone likewise, cleansing our thoughts helps in building a pure inner soul creating positive vibes in us. While the outward beauty earns you compliments, a beautiful soul gives you countless hearts that would want to connect with you and build positivity.
So, let us concentrate on looking beautiful from both inner and outer self. Concentrate on your looks and concentrate on your soul too. Listen to your heart, give some space to yourself. A relaxed mind and heart always have an everlasting smile and happiness attached to it. Work towards building your looks & soul. Do things which you like. Enjoy life as it comes!!!

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