Easy Techniques that will make you an Expert Kisser - Oye Buddha.com


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Wednesday 6 November 2019

Easy Techniques that will make you an Expert Kisser

Its a known fact that one of the greatest perquisites required for good sex is how you initiate a kiss. Making out is an essential as per-heating an oven to bake your goodies. if you need your baked goods to be prefect, play around with the temperature a little first. Most people have different techniques and indulgences where kissing is involved. If you're trapped in the fervor of emotions, Kissing someone you like can be exciting and intense at the same time.

If it's something causal, then it's only fair to have your game on point and make it an eventual victory. A good kisser, who knows how to  use his tongue just about right, will go a long way, as opposed to someone who is just crappy at kissing.

To be honest, Kissing can be a scary and unnerving ordeal the first few times. If you do it wrong,
There is no coming back form it. We mean it's not as bad as being held at gunpoint or escaping a nuclear attack but it dims your chance considerably with a woman, So, if you're unsure read ou super easy kissing guide on how to do it right...

1st Take IT  Slow :

You're not going to war really, you're in a very free flowing easy going sort of space, so don't rush it!
Unless, of course, it's a hated make out session. Ease your way into kissing and don't stick your tongue tight in at first and move it around like a mouse looking for cheese. Kissing someone should be relaxing and sensual, so go in nice and slow and when you sensual, so  go in nice and slow and when you settle in, you'll eventually find your groove.

2nd  Follow Your Partner's Lead

You can tell almost instantaneously when the right time is to move in with your tongue, If they appreciate the initiation, they will open their mouth willfully for you to go about and explore. Just take the lead here and go with your partner's flow and you'll fall in sync, If  they aren't ready yet, slow down at once.

3 The Pressure Should Be Just About Right 

The Pressure has to be just about right. Too aggressive, You'll end up squeezing the life out of someone's hands. If it's too limp, you wont't really leave a good impression on them. So really all depends on the pressure  you apply,. Don't force your tongue down there gullet, that'll just repel them. It will also lead to teeth clashing on pushing them back with force, which can get quite annoying. Be tender and gentle, when you initiate a kiss.

4 Don't Shy Away

If your partner isn't taking the lead then don't shy away taking it instead. It's okay to do that . Just touch their lips gently with yours, so that they slightly part them. If they don't react, you needn't worry. Just pull back gently. they might not be ready for some tongue action yet!  While it is important to take the lead don't go too far if she doesn't reciprocate. Read her body language, you'll instinctively know what she wants.

5 How Much Tongue Is Too Much Tongue?

Remember, Using too much tongue can ruin the kiss and make her lose interest in you altogether, when you start kissing someone, don't use your tongue at first at all. Figure how to use your lips instead. start with a slight peak on her lip and then care her lips with yours before you pull the big guns out. When there had been enough lip action, slowly inch your tongue towards her lips and part them gently. If you do it too aggressively, it can go a bit overboard. Once there is some sort of reciprocation from her end, go ahead. Always go with the less is more technique, you don't want to gross her out or scare her with your over enthusiasm.

6 Practice On Your Hand

Yes, You read that right! That's the best way to figure how much pressure your tongue is actually capable of. Try practicing on the back of your hand. Push your tongue against it as hard as you can then as soft as you can and when you find a middle ground, go with exactly that pressure when you use your tongue during the kiss. There isn't anything to get nervous or anxious about kissing, If its's your first time with someone or fist time ever, just go with your natural instinct and base that on your partner's reaction to your touch. Keep your mind alert to read the signals they give out- that should more or less tell you what the opposite person wants.

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